Microblading Near Me & Selecting The Best Artist
Microblading Near Me is often where people begin their online search for perfect brows. Whether your local area is full of artists and you are having a hard time picking the right one or there’s no one showing up online, it’s important you know how to find the right artists. Here are five things to look for in your artist and how to tell who is the best for you!
1. Licensed/Certified – In most states it is crucial to have a tattoo license to perform the microblading procedure. If they don’t have this and it is a requirement then this means they aren’t operating legally and who know what kind of practices are happening behind the scenes. It starts from proper set up, to proper practices during the procedure, to clean up, disposal, and storage.
Along with a state license, specific microblading training is also super important. This is a very different type of procedure that has a lot of specific details that are important in order to proceed correctly so having training from an expert is a must! A certificate is always given so you should see proof of this to ensure you are in good hands.
2. Good reviews – Hearing previous clients speak out about their experience that you are about to go through can be extremely helpful. Although this may seem like common sense it is often forgotten. If there is no social proof then how is one supposed to know if an artist is trustworthy and does a good job? We learn this by client reviews! 🙂 Check out our reviews here.
3. Can answer all your questions – Although this may seem silly if you have specific questions about microblading and trying to learn more a good artist should have all answers provided for you. They should be answered in thorough detail in which you understand what they are saying and know all the answers. If they hesitate then this means they may not be as experienced. It doesn’t matter how detailed your question is, if you have a question don’t be scared to ask because you want to make sure you know what you’re getting into and want to just like us, we want to ensure your safety.
Quality Of Work
4. Before and after pics – Another important factor that you most likely already think about is the artist’s style. You want to make sure they do good work and you like their style. Every artist is different. One thing at Better Brows is we want your brows to look as natural as possible. This means when you look at the after results you can’t tell what’s the client’s actual hair and what is microbladed. We want it to all blend together. We follow specific techniques and award winning processes to create each stroke, making it look like it’s real hair.
If you look at the after result and you can see where the strokes look unnatural and more like just a bunch of lines then you most likely don’t want to choose this artist. Secondly, see if they follow a pattern that looks natural. If the strokes go against natural brow hair growth this is a big no no and won’t look natural. Your eyes will do the telling!
Technique That Lasts
5. Healed results – A lot of time when doing your research you may not think to ask to see healed results. You’re probably wondering why is this important? What does healed results mean? Well, let me explain. So once your microblading procedure is over there is an initial 7-14 day healing process where you will have to follow certain aftercare given. This is because we just made mini cuts into the brow and your skin is trying to heal itself. Your body is trying to repair the skin and within this time period before you come back for your 6-8 week touch up where your brows will have faded about 30-40%.
If the artist uses proper technique and places the pigment correctly into the skin and aftercare is followed properly, then your strokes should stay. When we see you back for your touch up this is your healed result. If strokes have stayed then this is a good sign of a good artist. After your 6-8 week touch up your brows will heal again and should stay for several months depending on skin type and lifestyle. This is the healed results you want to see from previous clients to ensure you have an artist who knows what they’re doing. At Better Brows, we have the best healed results and have plenty of happy clients to prove it!
Let us prove that Better Brows is the best for the job by giving us a call at 513-702-0818 or emailing [email protected]
Check out Better Brows YouTube Channel here.
Read about us featured in a popular magazine in Cincinnati (Cincy Chic) here.